In this Issue:

Construction Update

Starting today, Clarence Street will be closed at York Street with no access to/from York Street. Lane reductions on York Street between Clarence Street and Wellington Street will remain in place until the road is fully closed in late July 2024.

All traffic will be moved onto the south side of York Street to accommodate construction activities on the north side of the street.

Please note, there will also be turn restrictions in place at the Wellington and York intersection impacting both east and westbound traffic.

Above: The map above shows reduced lanes and road closure on Clarence Street at York Street.
View Public Service Announcement

Downtown Business Learning Series

Join us along with Liz Grey (Fanshawe College/Village Creative agency) and Ellen McGran (Digital Main Street/Hyde Park BIA) for our next session in the Downtown Business Learning Series.

We will learn essentials for Digital Marketing to enable you to efficiently promote your business online with more targeted impact. In addition, 5 businesses attending this session will win the opportunity to get free help from Fanshawe students working with the Village Creative marketing agency, and faculty advisors, to help you create plans and content for your digital marketing promotions and campaigns.

Date: Tuesday, May 28
Time: 6-8 pm
Where: Covent Garden Market, upstairs in the lounge
Register Here

Important Dates and Promotions

There is lots of great stuff happening downtown this summer! Downtown London wants to make sure that people are aware of what businesses are open during certain holidays as well of any special promotions or events happening during other key times. Please share with us what your summer dates and plans are for us to promote!
Let us know here!

Last Call to Join The 2024 Patio Trail!

Attention all restaurants!

This is the last call out for your business to join the Patio Trail before our official launch.

If you would like to be featured on this promotional trail please fill out the form below by May 24 and if you have any further questions about the program, please reach out to Hailey at

Businesses can still join after the launch if interested.

Sign Up Form Here!

CIP Incentive Program

City of London approves first application to new Office-to-Residential CIP Incentive Program
The City of London is pleased to announce the first office-to-residential conversion project to receive funding through the City’s new Office-to-Residential CIP Incentive Program.

The project submitted by MAAS Group, a real estate development firm, plans to convert former office space at 166 Dundas Street into rental apartment units. The project will include 15 residential units (14 two-bedroom and one one-bedroom units) while maintaining the first two floors for commercial use in London’s downtown core.

Learn more here

What’s New?

Updates and Seminars

Downtown London is Moving! 

Free one-hour complimentary parking using HONK