
Are You a Member of the Downtown London Business Improvement Area?

The membership of Downtown London BIA includes all businesses and individuals associated with properties classified as commercial within the designated downtown area.

This includes:
• Owners of commercial properties listed on the most recent property assessment roll.
• Tenants of these properties.
• Authorized representatives of the property owners or tenants (if applicable).

Essentially, if you operate a business or are a sole proprietor within the downtown area defined in Section 2.1 of the municipal by-law, you are automatically a member of the Downtown London BIA. Read By-Law No.1 for more details.

If you’re a new business in the area, we encourage you to connect with us at info@downtownlondon.ca to explore the resources and opportunities available to you.

If you are unsure whether a property falls within the Downtown London BIA boundary, please reference our Downtown London Map or contact info@downtownlondon.ca for more information.

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