London Community Recovery Network – We Need Your Input!

The City of London has created a London Community Recovery Network to guide London’s economic, social and community recovery from Covid-19.

Lisa Thomas of Downtown London is representing the Destination Community Table. We need your ideas to make London’s Downtown a vibrant and exciting place that draws both Londoners and tourists as a favourite, repeat destination.

Louise Pyne of Downtown London is representing for the Supporting London’s Most Vulnerable Communities Table. We need ideas and initiatives that can help support London’s marginalized communities and allow for basic services and supplies in the recovery process.

Your ideas for Action could be blue-sky projects that you’ve felt were impossible without more resources or simple fixes. Please reach out to your networks, your coworkers, your friends and family and encourage them to share thoughts and visions on projects that can be put into action in the survey. Your idea can be something that can be done right away, or coming soon or future projects that require long-term planning.

Think Big! COVID-19 has changed everything and now is the time to put things back together in innovative ways we have never thought possible before.

Here is the link to the London Community Recovery Network Portal. It includes access to the other 5 priority tables so any ideas you have on issues facing our community here please share them: as soon as possible.

The deadline to submit is November 12th.

Shop Local Gift Guide
We have partnered with Old East Village BIA this holiday season to create a digital Shop Local Gift Guide! This guide will be available digitally for download and will give shoppers ideas as to where they can buy gifts for their loved ones. The focus will be on shopping local, and specifically in the core.

What do I need to submit to be featured?
-Your Business Name
-A Photo of Your Business
-A short blurb about your business/how you are gearing up for the holiday season

Where will the Holiday Gift Guide be available?
-Old East Village BIA website & social media channels
-Downtown London BIA website & social media channels
-The Shop Local Gift Guide will be launched on December 1, 2020

Our team will email a copy of the Shop Local Gift Guide to you prior to launch should you wish to promote it across your channels as well. If you would like to be featured in this magazine, free of cost, please contact Colleen at by November 10, 2020.

Redeem Your Construction Dollars Today!

Friendly reminder that all Construction Dollars must be redeemed for payment at the Downtown London office by December 31, 2020. The funding for this program comes from the City of London’s Core Area Action Plan, and we must redeem them for payment before the end of the year.

We encourage you to redeem the Construction Dollars at our office ASAP.

Our office is open for Downtown Dollar & Construction Dollar redemptions on Tuesdays & Thursdays only.

City of London Announcements…
Notice of Public Engagement – Downtown Loop

As the City of London prepares to construct Phase 1 of the Downtown Loop on King Street in 2021, we are hosting a public engagement period from October 28 – November 11 for residents and businesses to learn about the project and view the near-final designs.