Think of this newsletter as your one-stop-shop for news and opportunities impacting your business.
In this Issue:
- London Clean & Green Contest
- Dundas Place “Move & Groove” Free Event
- Core Area Ambassador Feedback Survey
- Federal Government Freezes Alcohol Escalator Tax
- Workplace Naloxone Program
- BIA Member Business Anniversaries
- How to Process Downtown Dollar Gift Cards
- Monthly Event Calendar
London Clean & Green Contest

The London Clean & Green initiative is back!
When: Friday, April 21 at 2:00pm
One of its main goals this year is to highlight and elevate the 20-minute makeover for small, medium and large businesses in London through the Clean & Green contest.
Like or follow the London Clean & Green social media channels (Instagram and Facebook). Complete your 20 minute makeover and/or community day cleanup on April 21, post a photo using #519cleangreen for your chance to win prize packages from TRY Recycling, The Better Bin Company, a $100 Joe Kool’s restaurant gift card, home composters and more.
Dundas Place “Move & Grove”
Free Event

Downtown London is partnering with Dundas Place, Prevail Media Group and Exar Studios to host a free street party on Tuesday, April 18, from 5-9pm. It will take place on Dundas St. between Richmond St. and Talbot St. at Market Lane. The “Move & Groove” will be the first of many exciting events that will occur on Dundas Place this year.
All are welcome to enjoy a wide range of free activities, including music from local DJs, LED swings, oversized games, an all-season ice skating rink with free skate rentals, and local shopping at Downtown businesses and pop-up vendors.
Core Area Ambassador
Feedback Survey

The City of London is currently collecting feedback from Core Area residents, businesses owners, workers, tourists, and visitors to understand their perspectives on the Core Area Ambassador program.
The Core Area Ambassadors play many roles, such as responding to concerns and complaints, providing guidance on how to access City services, sharing recommendations for events and activities, building ties with local businesses, and participating in beautification efforts.
The deadline to complete the feedback survey is Friday, April 21.
Federal Government Freezes Alcohol
Escalator Tax

The London Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that the Government of Canada chose to freeze the alcohol escalator tax at a 2% increase for the next year, and thanks partners who advocated on the issue, including London Economic Development Corporation, Tourism London, Downtown London, Old East Village BIA, Hyde Park BIA, and Hamilton Road BIA.
Workplace Naloxone Program

On June 1, 2023, at-risk employers will be required by legislation to ensure their workplaces have life-saving naloxone kits and workers are trained on how to use them.
This includes employers who become aware, or ought reasonably to be aware, that there may be a risk of an opioid overdose in their workplace, i.e., if a worker discloses an opioid use issue, if needles or other opioid paraphernalia are found at the workplace, or if they are otherwise given information that would lead them to reasonably conclude there is a risk of an overdose in the workplace.
For up to two years, the Workplace Naloxone Program provides at-risk employers with access to free training for up to two workers and one nasal spray naloxone kit for each eligible workplace. Separately, individuals can also contact their local pharmacy to receive a naloxone kit.
BIA Member Business Anniversaries

Is your business celebrating its 1st, 5th, 10th (or longer) anniversary?
Let us know, and we’ll work with you to help commemorate your achievement and let the public know about it!
Email our Marketing & Events Manager, Aaron McMillan (, with your anniversary details for more information.
How to Process Downtown Dollar Gift

Here’s a helpful graphic that you can print and display in your business to assist you and your staff with the processing of our Downtown Dollar gift cards!
Scan the QR code to quickly check the balance of a card.
If you have questions regarding gift card processing or would like to be set up to scan them, please contact our Manager of Member Services & Public Realm, Hailey Etchen (
Get your event included in the monthly
Downtown Calendar!

Is your business putting on a public event in the upcoming months? Do you know of any public events you want to share with the community?
Submitting your downtown London-based event to the Tourism London website will ensure it’s included in the following Monthly Events Calendar!
Important: You must submit your event happening to the Tourism London website before the 15th of the previous month to be included in the next month (Ex: you have an event in May, submit it before April 15). Your email will go directly to the team who will review this information. Please be advised if the event is outside of the downtown core, it may not qualify as a Downtown London event, and therefore not be included within the Monthly Events Calendar.
Downtown Dollar Gift Cards
Downtown Dollars encourage local spending and are a great gift for the “tough to shop for” people in your life. Sign up here to receive Downtown Dollar Gift Cards as a method of payment from customers. Reach out to for gift card set up and assistance!
Financial Assistance
Click here for information about grants and loans available to small businesses.