Think of this newsletter as your one-stop-shop for news and opportunities impacting your business.
In this Issue:
- Seasonal Patios: AGCO and City of London Requirements
- BIA Member Business Anniversaries
- How to Process Downtown Dollar Gift Cards
- Welcome to our new Engagement & Communications Coordinator!
- Digital Main Street Grant is Back
- Attend the first-ever London City of Music Expo
- Central Avenue Cycling Improvements
- Monthly event calendar
Seasonal Patios: AGCO and City of
London Requirements

If you are planning to have a temporary outdoor physical extension (temporary patio) this year, this is a reminder that the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) has a new approval framework that came into effect on January 1, 2023.
Starting on January 1, 2023:
- NEW! Most liquor sales licensees and manufacturers that hold a by-the-glass endorsement who want to operate a temporary patio will need municipal approval
- NEW! Upon obtaining an approval from a municipality, you are required to then notify the AGCO by making a submission on the iAGCO portal before selling or serving liquor on your temporary patio (see Notifying the AGCO of an Approved Temporary Patio)
- NEW! Temporary patios may only operate for a maximum of eight months per calendar year
A request for a City of London compliance letter can be directed to the Building Division by emailing, the cost of the letter is $100.00. The request must include a site plan that provides the following information:
- Dimensions of the Seasonal Outdoor Patio(s) (noting capacity is limited to 1 (one) person per 1.11 square metres of patio area);
- Setback distances from all property lines.
In addition to the site plan, the City also requires the following detail to be noted:
- The eight months within a calendar year the Seasonal Outdoor Patio will be in operation (not required to be consecutive months);
Please note the following zoning regulations when determining the location of the proposed Seasonal Outdoor Patio:
- Seasonal outdoor patios shall be setback a minimum of 6.0 metres from any residential zone which is not in combination with another zone;
- There is no parking requirement for seasonal outdoor patios;
- Seasonal outdoor patios are permitted within required parking spaces for commercial uses;
- No seasonal outdoor patio shall be located within required parking spaces for residential dwelling units; and,
- No seasonal outdoor patio shall be located within an accessible parking space. Vehicular access to any such parking space shall not be impeded by any obstruction associated with a seasonal outdoor patio.
A comprehensive list of the regulations can be found under 4.18(6) of the Zoning By-law by following the link below:
For reference we have provided a link to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario below:
BIA Member Business Anniversaries

Is your business celebrating its 1st, 5th, 10th (or longer) anniversary?
Let us know, and we’ll work with you to help commemorate your achievement and let the public know about it!
Email our Marketing & Events Manager, Aaron McMillan (, with your anniversary details for more information.
How to Process Downtown Dollar Gift

Here’s a helpful graphic that you can print and display in your business to assist you and your staff with the processing of our Downtown Dollar gift cards!
Scan the QR code to quickly check the balance of a card.
Welcome to our new Engagement &
Communications Coordinator!

Downtown London would like to introduce you to our new Engagement & Communications Coordinator, Jocelynn Aubertin.
Jocelynn graduated from King’s University College with an Honours Specialization in History and a Major in Political Science. To pursue her passion for writing, she went on to study Public Relations at Western Continuing Studies. Jocelynn worked in communications prior to starting at Downtown London.
Jocelynn enjoys spending time with her friends and family, going to concerts, trying out new restaurants, and using her telescope! She loves to spend her spare time volunteering in the community.
Digital Main Street Grant is Back!

The Digital Main Street Ontario Grants Program is back and available for all London businesses. This program provides Digital Transformation training, consultation and guidance, and the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $2,500.
The London Digital Main Street Team is run through the Hyde Park BIA, but is available for all Downtown businesses.
Attend the first-ever London City of
Music Expo!

In celebration of London’s UNESCO City of Music designation, The City of London and London Chamber of Commerce are hosting the first London City of Music Expo on Thursday, March 30, 2023.
Featuring live performances from local artists, the event will shine a spotlight on London’s most talented musicians. It will also include various workshops and seminars where attendees can learn more about what it means to be a UNESCO City of Music.
This is a great opportunity to see exhibitors from all areas of the music industry, such as artists, producers, venues and studios, as well as BIA members that directly benefit London’s thriving music scene, including hotels, bars, restaurants and breweries.
Tickets are free while quantities last!
Central Avenue Cycling

The City of London plans to install new cycling infrastructure on Central Avenue this summer, between Richmond and William Streets, to expand the core cycling network. The project will include a full traffic signal rebuild at the Richmond Street intersection and will be coordinated with road rehabilitation work on Central Avenue between Maitland and William Streets.
City of London Contact Information:
Please reach out to your City Project Manager at any time.
City Project Manager
Name: Josh Gardiner
Organization: City of London
Phone: 519-661-2489 x 7365
Get your event included in the monthly
Downtown Calendar!

Is your business putting on a public event in the upcoming months? Do you know of any public events you want to share with the community?
Submitting your downtown London-based event to the Tourism London website will ensure it’s included in the following Monthly Events Calendar!
Important: You must submit your event happening to the Tourism London website before the 15th of the previous month to be included in the next month (Ex: you have an event in April, submit it before March 15). Your email will go directly to the team who will review this information. Please be advised if the event is outside of the downtown core, it may not qualify as a Downtown London event, and therefore not be included within the Monthly Events Calendar.
Downtown Dollar Gift Cards
Downtown Dollars encourage local spending and are a great gift for the “tough to shop for” people in your life. Sign up here to receive Downtown Dollar Gift Cards as a method of payment from customers. Reach out to for gift card set up and assistance!
Financial Assistance
Click here for information about grants and loans available to small businesses.