Think of this newsletter as your one-stop-shop for news and opportunities impacting your business.
In this Issue:
- 2023 Downtown London Patio Map
- Social Media Feature + Contest Prize Support
- Find it in London Website Feature
- Chamber of Commerce 2023 Summit
- T2 – CRA Taxation Requirements for Incorporated Small Businesses
- London Small Business Centre Seminars
- Digital Main Street Grant is Back!
- How to Process Downtown Dollar Gift Cards
- Monthly Event Calendar
2023 Downtown London Patio Map

The 2023 Downtown London Patio Map is here! Be sure to share it on your social media channels.
Discover Downtown Social Media Feature + Contest Support

The social media feature will include a post on our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts with accompanying promotional pictures and/or videos. We are also offering a $250 Downtown Dollar Gift Card as a giveaway prize for you to host your own social media contest. Your business must be registered with our Downtown Dollar Gift Card program to be eligible.
Please note that we can only feature businesses that are within our boundaries (please refer to our map found here).

Interested in signing up? Reach out to Hailey ( for support!

Do you want to be featured on Find it in London’s website? Click the button below to submit your business.
What is Find it in London?
This coordinated, collaborative, promotional partnership creates a sense of community and drive recovery in the city while stimulating local tourism and economic growth. ‘Find it in London’ is telling stories of the community, creating relationships and building connections that will encourage people to want to shop, support and experience activities in London.
Chamber of Commerce 2023 Summit

Are you starting a business or growing a business in London, Ontario? Join us on June 6 at Summit, where local speakers will share their stories of ‘scaling up’.
Summit will reveal stories of inspirational growth and strategies that have vaulted some of our own best and brightest into the global spotlight.
T2 – CRA Taxation Requirements for
Incorporated Small Businesses

Are you a newly incorporated business or interested in starting up? You can learn tax tips from the CRA and have your pressing questions answered.
This webinar will give small incorporated businesses a general overview of the relationship between business and taxation. The Liaison Officer T2 tax webinar targets newer small businesses or potential new start-ups. It also allows the opportunity to speak directly to a representative from the CRA to ask any questions you might have concerning business issues.
Please only register if you reside in London/Middlesex, Canada.
Location: Presented Online
Date: Wednesday, May 24th, 2023
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost: Free!
London Small Business Centre Seminars

Some great learning opportunities are just a few clicks away! Whether you are thinking of starting a new business, or growing your existing business, help is available on your business journey. A few highlights from London Small Business Centre include:
Foodpreneur Advantage– Labelling and Packaging Your Food Product – online (May 25)
Understanding Financial Statements – online (May 31)
Business Planning Guide Workshop – at London Small Business Centre (June 12)
Google My Business Beginner Workshop – online (June 14)
More details and more programs available here:
Digital Main Street Grant is Back!

The Digital Main Street Ontario Grants Program is back and available for all London businesses who qualify. This program provides Digital Transformation training, consultation and guidance, and the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $2,500. The London Digital Main Street Team is run through the Hyde Park BIA, but is available for all Downtown businesses.
Get your event included in the monthly
Downtown Calendar!

Is your business putting on a public event in the upcoming months? Do you know of any public events you want to share with the community?
Submitting your downtown London-based event to the Tourism London website will ensure it’s included in the following Monthly Events Calendar!
Important: You must submit your event happening to the Tourism London website before the 15th of the previous month to be included in the next month (Ex: you have an event in June, submit it before May 15). Your email will go directly to the team who will review this information. Please be advised if the event is outside of the downtown core, it may not qualify as a Downtown London event, and therefore not be included within the Monthly Events Calendar.
Downtown Dollar Gift Cards
Downtown Dollars encourage local spending and are a great gift for the “tough to shop for” people in your life. Sign up here to receive Downtown Dollar Gift Cards as a method of payment from customers. Reach out to for gift card set up and assistance!
Financial Assistance
Click here for information about grants and loans available to small businesses.