Think of this newsletter as your one-stop-shop for news and opportunities impacting your business.

Save the Date:
2022 Annual General Meeting (Virtual)
The Annual General Meeting will take place virtually on Friday, November 4th from 9AM – 11AM. We’ll look at what we accomplished in 2022, plus share some plans for 2023. There will be presentations from our staff members about important information and future plans from each department as we continue to meet the goals of our Strategic Plan. Our 2023 Budget will also be included.

Opportunity for BIA Members!
One of the initiatives that Downtown London is implementing to help bring people downtown and move them from business to business is our Music & Art Crawl happening from December 2nd to 18th (Thurs – Sun). The event is in collaboration with the London Arts Council. The idea is to populate our downtown businesses that have proper spaces for Musicians and Artists to perform during the day, evening and night. Acts would be booked in collaboration with your business to ensure the type of music or art would be the right fit. Downtown London will be paying any musicians/artists booked. The Music & Art Crawl program would be promoted by Downtown London and Downtown for the Holidays event partners after Remembrance Day to December 18th on social media, posters, POS event cards, radio stations, the event website and other areas. Participating businesses would need to keep performances free to the public and provide electricity for any equipment that may need to be set up.
Deadline to Apply: Friday, October 21
For more information, email

How can the City improve London’s
Core Area?
The City of London is collecting input on the opportunities and challenges experienced in London’s Core Area. Input shared will be used to help develop the Core Area Strategy vision statements and areas of focus, which will guide future actions in the Downtown, Old East Village and Midtown neighbourhoods. Londoners are encouraged to visit the City’s engagement website, Get Involved London, to share their perspectives.
Once finalized, the vision statements and areas of focus for Downtown, Old East Village and Midtown that will describe the key drivers for the Core Area Strategy will be integrated into the engagement process for Council’s next Strategic Plan and Multi-Year Budget Process.
Input may relate to things like economic growth, safety and security, residential development, accessibility, and arts and culture, as well as social and health issues, homelessness prevention and housing. Ultimately, we want Londoners to share their perspectives and provide input on where they would like to see the City focus future strategies related to Core Area improvements.

Get Involved with the
Downtown Candy Crawl
Budweiser Gardens, Dundas Place, Eldon House and Downtown London are excited to announce the 2022 Downtown Candy Crawl on Sunday, October 30th from 12:00pm – 2:00pm. Families will have the opportunity to trick-or-treat at participating businesses while exploring the downtown core.
All businesses in our core are encouraged to participate in the fun by handing out candy! Once businesses are signed up, those participating will be promoted within our advertisements and will receive poster signage in their window.
There will also be a costume contest with a grand prize!
ALSO: Eldon House will be hosting their Spooky Gourd Paint event, and the Covent Garden Market will be hosting their Pumpkin Patch event.
Be creative, decorate your space, and join us for ghoulish family-fun.
Please fill out the sign up form by 5pm on Friday, October 14th.

The Importance of Reporting a Crime
Being a victim of a crime is an unpleasant and unwanted experience. It can be challenging to know how to navigate through the next steps. One way to help create a safer and more inclusive Downtown London is to REPORT ALL INCIDENTS TO THE LONDON POLICE.
Reported crimes are compiled and researched by a team of specialists in the Crime Analysis Unit. An LPS Crime Analyst predicts crime patterns and that data assists police in identifying areas of interest and developing strategies to help prevent further criminal activity.
Call London Police Services at (519) -661-5670 or use the online reporting system link below.
Downtown Dollar Gift Cards
Downtown Dollars encourage local spending and are a great gift for the “tough to shop for” people in your life. Sign up here to receive Downtown Dollar Gift Cards as a method of payment from customers. Reach out to for gift card set up and assistance!
Financial Assistance
Click here for information grants and loans available to small businesses.